There is something pretty memorable about shooting in downtown locations with a beautiful model. Not only are downtown locations typically loaded with incredible areas to photograph, they’re also totally unique and and you can capture something different every time.

Dalaney is a 1000lbs of spunk packed into a size 0! She is is a top contender in showing cattle/hogs/etc with the Huron Community Fair held in Bad Axe, MI each year. Don't let her tiny size fool ya.... she is fierce when it comes to competition! Delaney is also interested in photography and does portrait work, visit her fb page Picture This Photography DLB (needless to say, I was honored to have her as a model).
On the day of her shoot, the weather started off a little cold and went to freezing! Real quick! We had some crazy wind at times, but Dalaney is a trooper - she forged through the cold and we captured some amazing portraits from her Downtown Bay City Fashion shoot. Before the shoot, I had discussed some Stylized clothing choices for the downtown look - and let me tell you - she nailed it! I am just thrilled with the images we captured! Love her style and it paired great with some fun hats from the Vybz Style Closet.
Dalaney, I cannot begin to thank you enough for such an amazing fashion session! I had the best time running all around Bay City with you, finding so many beautiful locations to photograph. It was seriously breathtaking! Hands-down, my favorite image is the closeup with your smile and eye closed, you are such an amazing gem! Thank you so much for letting me take some portraits of you - I look forward to working with you more in the future!