Tasha - Guuuuurrrrrllllll!!! You knocked it out of the park! I must admit... my jaw basically dropped when you walked in the door hon! I have known you most of your life and you are such a tom boy at heart, but dang gurl - you can rock the fashion outfits and the sass!!!! Wow, you can rock that sass look.
Gotta give a shout out to sis (Tasha's sis) for an amazing job on hair/make up, she looked fabulous! Tina (mom).... super proud of you too, I know you had a hand in helping her pick outfits. I loved them both and they worked excellent for the ideas I had in mind!
Thank you Tasha (and Tina) for letting me be a part of such a big occasion for you! Here's some of my favs, rest will be on your gallery!